Thursday, July 28, 2011

10 Things to Consider When Planning to Go Travelling


Thinking of going travelling? Read this guide to the important considerations you'll need to make before you set off.
1. Can you get the time off work?
Not all employers react well to requests to take extended leave from work to see the world. However, if you like your job or want the security for when you return, it's certainly worth asking. Some will be obliging if it's unpaid, but in most cases you may need to take the risk.
2. What will you do about your house?
If you have a lease or a mortgage, you will need to find a way of covering your bills while you're away. You may also want to consider asking someone to check on it while you're away. Ultimately, it will depend how often you're likely to go for and what you can afford.
3. What will you do about your pets?
If you have a dog, cat or any other pet, you'll need to make provisions to ensure they're cared for while you're away. You may want to put them into a care facility or ask friends and relatives to look after them. Again, the length of time you're going will probably dictate what you do.
4. What will you do about your car?
If you own a car, you have a few options. From having stored in a lock up to putting it up for sale (a sensible approach if you're trying to raise some extra funds) but another option is to leave in an airport car park. Airport parking is much cheaper than it used to be, it's very secure and it means you'll have the convenience of knowing your vehicle will be waiting for you when you land home.
5. What budget do you have?
The length of time you travel for and where you visit (not to mention what you do when you arrive) is likely to depend heavily on the size of your budget. While it's fun to go without a plan, it will be sensible to try and judge what you can afford and what your daily expenses are likely to be.
6. How much of it do you want to plan out?
Speaking of planning, you'll need to think about how much of it you want to do. Many travellers love the freedom of jumping on a plane and going with the flow; while others like the security of know what's going to happen at various points along the way.
7. Are you going alone?
Travelling can be a fantastically cathartic experience and personal adventure, which is why many love to go it alone and meet people along the way. Others love the idea of being able to share their experience with a close friend, partner or relative. The choice is all yours.
8. Do you have friends to stay with?
You'll need to think about where you're likely to bunk down for most of the trip. That could be camping in a tent, hostels or with people you know. It's worth noting that in some countries, you may require a credit card in order to book and pay for accommodation, so do your homework on the places you're heading to.
9. How are you planning to get from place to place?
Once you've landed at your destination and stayed for a day or two, you may want to get on the move. But how are you planning on doing it? It's a good idea to find out whether you'll be using buses, trains or any other form of transport as you head from place to place.
10. Do you have the right equipment?
Depending on where you're heading you may need some good walking shoes and a large backpack. If you don't yet have either of these, it's time to start shopping. Likewise, depending on the climates you're heading to, you'll probably need a good waterproof jacket.
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