Thursday, July 28, 2011

Travel Journals - Stretching Your Travel Budget and Reaping The Payoffs


The troubled economy affects all of us, particularly travelers. Now that the economy is recovering, experts in the travel industry tell us that more of us are on the move. As we find ourselves back on the road, sea, or in the air, many of us are still budget-conscious, looking for ways to make our dollar count now and later.
If you want to create true value on your next trip, be sure to include a travel journal. You may be tempted to bypass taking one, telling yourself that you can save money if you don't get one, but that is not the case.
A travel journal is virtually a savings account which will pay interest for the rest of your life.
You may wonder how buying a one will save you money. Here's how:
· It stretches your travel budget by extending your trip. When you are back at home, you can recapture that special moment and it will not cost you an additional cent. It's like having a free vacation without having to buy a ticket.
· Travel journals are the ultimate souvenir. Over time, souvenirs end up in the back of our closets or in the charity bin; yours is one treasure you will always keep.
· Vacations fly by so fast. Scrapbook journals keep the excitement alive forever.
· They are like trip insurance. When you record your memories, you are insuring they are captured forever.
When we are off on an adventure, we may tell ourselves that we will remember those moments, but sadly they will fade. If you have invested money in your hard-earned vacation, it is TRAGIC when the memories are lost. Don't let this happen to you. If you have a travel journal, your trip will never be lost!
Creative travel journals are especially good value for those on a tight budget. During the current economic downturn, a new word, as well as concept, has grown in popularity. The staycation ---where people stay at home or close to it, discovering the delights within and near their own area. Stop and think of why people travel from distant places to visit your city... those same points of interest which are perfect for your family to visit, too.
Even in boom times, weekend excursions, camping, family visits, and day trips are travel options. Watch out, though, as these short trips are particularly susceptible to being lost from our memory. We are more apt to record the big trips, overlooking the short visits to capture such as going to see grandparents, a class reunion, seeing an old friend, or just a Sunday outing in the car to someplace close by.
These events, these memories-in-the-making are rich, valuable to recall later, and deserve a page in a journal. These are even more prone to being forgotten.
You can start a "short trip" journal and watch your memories accumulate!
There are many types of creative travel journals to fit everyone's budget. However, don't be penny-wise but pound foolish. Yours will be a keepsake and definitely a legacy. Since it is something you will keep forever, aim for the highest quality you can afford. Different features influence the cost, so get one that is fun, easy and user-friendly. Check around for a new-style with features that make it extremely user-friendly during each day of your trip.
What you see offered is the ultimate gift to yourself, giving back for your entire lifetime the joys you experienced just once. All it takes is your opening your journal, reading a few brief descriptive words, and WOW!!! those memories will instantly come flooding back to all your senses.
What a surprising delight --- guaranteed to happen every time you open your travel journal.
And, now that you know there is a fun, easy way to capture your travel memories, go see a new-style, very er-friendly travel journal at
Known as the Journal Sage, Barbara Wirth is the author of this article. Her passion is in the life-long rewards of capturing travel moments, with words and scrapbook fun, as a way to relive wonderful memories again and again - any time we need relief from today's fast-paced world.
It is like Magic to open a travel journal and be transported back to extraordinary moments in our life.
© Copyright - Barbara Wirth All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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